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List of documents required for extension
1. work or business (NON-B)
2. working as a teacher in Thailand
3.coach or athlete (NON-B)
4. study of Buddhism or religion FUNCTION (NON-B)
5. for studying in Thailand
6. retirement purposes (NON-O)
7. a family member of a Thai (applicable only parents, spouse or child (NON-O)
8. a family member of a permanent residence permit holder(applicable only to parents, spouse or child) (NON-O)
9. spouse, children, parents of foreign teacher in Thailand
10. to fulfill the duty or responsibility as an immediate member of a foreign family in Thailand (NON-O)
11. a family member of an alien studying in Thailand. (Applicable only father or mother, spouse, child) (NON-O)
12. working for foundation (NON-O)
13. other purposes
One year visa : rules and obligations
List of documents required for extension
Application for visa or visa status alteration
Residential permit |
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-B): work or business |
The application must be submit at least 21 days before visa expiration and, in case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- Company letter requesting for visa or visa status alteration. (Specifying name, position, education and job experience of the applicant)
- Employment contract. (Download from Labor Dept. website)
- A letter of guarantee to certify commercial registration. (Copy)
- Company registration certificate. (Copy)
- The lists of company board of directors/share holders. (Copy)
- Vat registration certificate and (Copy)
- The latest financial statement. (Balance sheets ; Profit & loss statement) (Copy)
- Company income tax or trading tax returns
- In case of, new opening company which has no finance statement and revenues form (Phor ngo dor 50) or only the revenues from page 5 section 3, no water supply and electric bills, the owner must show the water, electric and telephone bills.
- Documents Evidence Of Education ; Job Experience of Alien. (Certified by Embassy or Consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.) (Copy)
- List of personal income tax of Thai employee (Phor ngo dor 1) for last 3 months. (Copy)
- Showing 7-10 picture of the company must be shown the name of the company, working area, or the building which showing the type of the job.
- Map of the company
- In case of the company supported by BOI, a letter from BOI is required for changing visa.
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-B): working as a teacher in Thailand |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- To be a teacher in a GOVERNMENT school or university.
As a teacher at the University
• A letter from the director of university , requesting visa or visa status alteration.
As a teacher at the school
• A letter from the department concerned under the Ministry of Education or a letter from the governor of province, requesting for visa or visa status alteration.
• Employment certification form (Download the form from Labor Dept. website)
• A copy of employment contract. (The start working date shown in employment contract must be the same date with application or after getting approval of visa alteration.)
• Diploma and transcript of the applicant. (Must show the original and copy to the officer as proof)
- To be a teacher in a PRIVATE school or university.
As a teacher at the University
• A letter from the rector of university, requesting visa or visa status alteration.
As a teacher at the school
• A letter from the department concerned under the Ministry of Education or in the case of lower academic levels in education, a letter from the governor of province, requesting for visa or visa status alteration.
• Employment certification form (Download the form from Labor Dept. website)
• A copy of employment contract. (The start working date shown in employment contract must be the same date with application or after getting approval of visa alteration.)
• Diploma and transcript of the applicant. (Must show the original and copy to the officer as proof)
• A Certified copy of the registration papers of the educational institution. (Certified by authority signature and institute's seal or stamp.)
• A Certified copy of the license of the school or university administrator(Certified by authority signature and institute's seal or stamp.)
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-B): for coach or athlete |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- Letter from Sport Authority of Thailand or government department concerned requesting for Visa or Visa Status Alteration.
A certified copy of Established Organization License. (Certified by Authority signature and organization seal)
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-B): for study of Buddhism or religion FUNCTION |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- Letter from Office of National Buddhism office of Thailand or Department of religious Affairs requesting for Visa or Visa Status Alteration.
- The Certificated letter from the abbot certify permanent resident of the applicant.
- Copy of Monk's I.D. Card (If it's in other language, must be translated into Thai and must be certified that be translated from true copy by the abbot.)
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-B): for studying in Thailand |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- In a government school or university
In the university
• A letter from the director of university, requesting visa or visa status alteration.
In the school
• A letter from the department concerned under the Ministry of Education or, a letter from the governor, requesting for visa or visa status alteration.
- In a private school or university
In the university
• A letter from the rector of university, requesting visa or visa status alteration.
In the school
• A letter from the department concerned under the Ministry of Education or, a letter from the governor of province, requesting for visa or visa status alteration.
In the international school
• A letter from the authorized principal or the manager of the International school.
• A Certified copy of the registration papers of the educational institution. (Certified by authority signature and institute's seal or stamp.)
• A Certified copy of the license of the school or university administrator (Certified by authority signature and institute's seal or stamp.)
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O): for retirement purposes |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- • A guarantee letter from bank in Thailand showing that the applicant has an account of not less than 800,000 baht, and
• Copy all pages of bank passbook and
• A document proving foreign remittance(SWIFT) Or
- A guarantee-letter from The Embassy or Consulate, proving the monthly pension or income of the applicant not less than 65,000 baht per month. Or
- The total amount of money from the pension and bank account as stated above not less than 800,000 baht.
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O): for a family member of a Thai (applicable only parents, spouse or child |
In case of no children, the application must be submitted 21 days before visa expiration and Overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- In case of, marriage registered in Thailand
- Copy of marriage Certificate (Kor Ror.2)
- Copy of marriage Registration Papers (Kor Ror.3)
In case of, marriage registration in foreign country
- Copy of marriage certificate
- Copy of the family status registration. (Kor Ror.22) (Issued by the district office in Thailand )
- A copy of the letter form The Embassy or Consulate certify in that the applicant is single.
- Copy of I.D. card and house registration papers of the Thai national.
- Birth Certificate or medical letter certifying pregnancy, or pregnancy report booklet.(Showing parents ??? name)
- Wedding ceremony picture.(if any)
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O): for a family member of a permanent residence permit holder(applicable only to parents, spouse or child) |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- 5.1 Documents proving that the applicant is the spouse, father or mother or child ; a marriage certificate or birth certificate, as the case may be. (Certified by Embassy or Consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.) OR
5.2 Letter from a government office, embassy or consulate, Certifying that the applicant is of the referred family, OR
5.3 A guarantor-letter from The Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Residence certificate, alien registration certificate, passport, work permit, and house registration.
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O): for spouse, children, parents of foreign teacher in Thailand |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy to passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- 5.1 Documents proving that the applicant is the spouse, father or mother or child of foreigner ; a marriage certificate or birth certificate, as the case may be. (Certifying by Embassy or Consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.) Or
5.2 Letter from a government office, embassy or consulate, Certifying that the applicant is of the referred family, Or
5.3 a guarantor-letter from The Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Passport and work permit.
- Passport and work permit of related teacher.
- A certified letter from school proving that related teacher applicant is working in that school.
- A certified copy of Registration papers of the educational institution. (Certified by authority signature and institute seal)
- A certified copy of the license of the school or university administrator. (Certified by authority signature and institute seal)
- List of personal income tax of alien employee (Phor ngo dor 91) for the last year.
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O) to fulfill the duty or responsibility as an immediate member of a foreign family in Thailand |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy to passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- 5.1 Documents proving that the applicant is the spouse, father or mother or child of foreigner ; a marriage certificate or birth certificate, as the case may be. (Certifying by Embassy or Consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.) Or
5.2 Letter from a government office, embassy or consulate, Certifying that the applicant is of the referred family, Or 5.3 a guarantor-letter from The Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Passport and work permit.(Copy)
- Registration papers of the company, the with details of the company's objectives.(Copy)
- VAT registration.(Copy)
- List of the Board of Directors/share holder. (Copy)
- List of personal income tax of Thai employee (Phor ngo dor 1) for the last 3 months.(Copy)
- List of personal income tax of alien employee (Phor ngo dor 91) for the last year.(Copy)
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O): for a family member of an alien studying in Thailand. (Applicable only father or mother, spouse, child) |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy to passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- 5.1 Documents proving that the applicant is the spouse, father or mother or child of foreigner ; a marriage certificate or birth certificate, as the case may be. (Certifying by Embassy or Consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.) Or
5.2 Letter from a government office, embassy or consulate, Certifying that the applicant is of the referred family, Or 5.3 a guarantor-letter from The Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- In case of parents(father or mother) wishing to take care of child/children studying at school in Thailand must show a bank statement from a bank in Thailand showing that the applicant has an account (Saving or fixed deposit) of not less than 500,000 baht, and a document proving foreign remittance.
- A letter from the authorized principal or the manager requesting visa or visa status alteration for a parent of the child/ children studying in the school.
- Passport of the child/ children.
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O): for working for foundation |
In case of overstaying in Thailand , application could not be submitted.
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- Letter from Office of the National Culture Commission requesting for Visa or Visa Status Alteration.
- Letter from Office of the Foundation requesting for Visa or Visa Status Alteration.
- Foundation Established License.
- Copy of Foundation' conference report.
Documents to be submitted in support of the application for visa or visa status alteration (NON-O): for other purposes |
At least 21 days before visa expiration
- Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)
Application for visa. (TM.87)
- Copy of passport entries.
- 4 X 6 cm. Photograph.
- Application fee of 2,000 baht.
- Those who used to have Thai nationality and who wish to visit relatives or to stay in Thailand
must submit an official document proving prior Thai nationality.
- To get medical care in Thailand .
6.1 Medical Certificate from the Police General Hospital . Or
6.2 Medical Certificate from a hospital authorized by the Public Health Ministry. Or
6.3 Medical certificate from a medical institution that accredited by the Immigration Bureau.
- For mass media:
Guarantor letter from the government office concerned: Government Public Relations Department, Department of Information.
- For the defendant, plaintiff or witness in a legal court case:
you must submit a Guarantor letter from the judge, public prosecutor or investigating officers.
Premier Solicitor Office
Tel / Fax: +66 (0) 2212-9100 Mobile +66 (0) 81 567-0800 E-mail : issa_th@yahoo.com (Khun Issara) |